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Hanwha Ocean



No exchange of gifts on holidays

  • Inform all stakeholders of the company's no-gift policy and request their cooperation before holidays
  • Notify all employees of the company's no-gift policy regardless of the amount
  • Immediately return any gift (gifts or cash equivalents) received under certain inevitable situations to the sender, and report the fact to Compliance & Legal Support Department

No congratulations plants on one's promotion

  • A letter is sent to subcontractors and suppliers requesting that they do not to send congratulations plants during the promotion season
  • Any employee who received a congratulations plant is responsible for returning it to the sender.
  • No congratulations plants are currently allowed to be brought into the company's premises.

Ethical management slogan contest

  • The events are organized for greater ethical awareness and interest among employees.

Ethics day

  • Designate the first Thursday of each month as Ethics Day to encourage voluntary ethics practices.
  • Using the Ethics Letter, group leaders provide their members with monthly ethics training and team leaders provide quarterly training.

Convention against corruption

  • Bring attention to the meaning of Our anti-corruption policy and make a pledge to make efforts to transform each organization into a clean and fair organization.
  • Organization leaders are responsible for organizing their own convention.
Convention against corruption Convention against corruption 1 Convention against corruption 2 Convention against corruption 3

Evaluate the level of practice on ethical management Campaign·Event

Everybody is welcome to participate

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Anti-Corruption 3 Principles

: These principles apply to all employees and board members

1. Zero Tolerance to Corrupt Practice

The company and its employees reject all types of corrupt behavior.

2. Engagement of Leaders in Anti-Corruption Campaign

All leaders should influence their subordinates' ethical behavior and create an ethical environment in their respective organizations.

3. No Leniency for Corruptors

The company will never tolerate an employee or a partner company who are engaged in corrupt practices.