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Hanwha Ocean



Ethical Management for the subsidiaries

Support for the subsidiaries' adoption and implementation of ethical management

  • Provide the subsidiaries with the ethical management work manual to assist their adoption of ethical management
  • Train the audit team of subsidiaries' at the on audit techniques and know-how

Integrated ethical management of and its subsidiaries

  • Assist the subsidiaries with implementation of the ethics/anti-corruption policies, such as ethics standards and compliance programs, same as the parent company
  • Provide support to the subsidiaries for ethics training
  • Include ethical management as subsidiary evaluation criteria
  • Share each company's ethics/audit status and align efforts for ethical management (ethics seminar, audit officer workshop with Our)

Ethical Management of Suppliers/Partners

1. Registration Screenings

  • On registration of new suppliers/partners, the strict screening process is applied and the key elements include its ethical management
  • New registration is not permissible on the company if its directors, employees or officers involve in unethical conducts, or any retiree from involved in any corruption is employed by the company.
  • The screening process is participated by relevant groups and related departments including procurement and quality management, HSE, etc., thus, risk of conflict of interest is eliminated.

2. Signing Contract with Suppliers/Partners

  • Ethical compliance obligations are included in the standard contract form to promote ethical practice of suppliers/partners.
  • Under the ethical compliance obligations, suppliers/partners are not allowed to engage in any act of bribery such as money (including facilitation payments, etc.), gifts, entertainment and convenience with any employees, government officials, employees of partners and any affiliated personnel.
  • The ethical management pledge should be signed and complied, which include the prohibition of unfair practice and bribery (money (including facilitation payments, etc.), entertainment, convenience, gifts) with and all other suppliers.
  • Any violation of the pledge may lead to the termination of the contract depending on its severity.

3. Commitment to Suppliers/Partners

  • Pledge to cooperate with the Our anti-corruption policies.
    ∙ Gifts for national holidays, promotion, excessive condolence money, and golf are prohibited.
  • Pledge to comply with the Code of Ethics and its Practice Guidelines.
  • Pledge to comply with the sanctions against former employees who committed corrupt practice.
  • Pledge to protect the whistleblowers under the Unethical Practice Report Reward System Rules.

4. Evaluation of Suppliers/Partners

  • Suppliers/partners are subject to ethical practice evaluations on a regular basis depending on the transaction terms.
  • The related organizations of the suppliers/partners are also subject to evaluation to eliminate the risk of conflict of interest.

5. Suppliers/Partners Sanctions

  • As part of Sub-Contractor Sanction Policy, issues a warning and suspends unethical suppliers/partners to promote ethical practice.
  • The sanction applies to all suppliers/partners of.
  • The reasons and standards for sanctions are deliberated by the Sanction Deliberation Committee in accordance with Sub-Contractor Sanction Guidelines and its results are provided to the company in the form of an official letter.
  • The guidelines are included in the contract so the suppliers/partners understand the consequences of the violations depending on the types of corrupt practice.

Evaluate the level of practice on ethical management Exchange·Cooperation

Everybody is welcome to participate

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Anti-Corruption 3 Principles

: These principles apply to all employees and board members

1. Zero Tolerance to Corrupt Practice

The company and its employees reject all types of corrupt behavior.

2. Engagement of Leaders in Anti-Corruption Campaign

All leaders should influence their subordinates' ethical behavior and create an ethical environment in their respective organizations.

3. No Leniency for Corruptors

The company will never tolerate an employee or a partner company who are engaged in corrupt practices.